The body shell almost finished. Further weathering of the roof is required this evening to disguise a couple of paint flaws
I have been 'working hard' recently on the detailing of a BR blue class 33/2. This project is one of several class 33's I want to get detailed for my forthcoming layouts. The last post I wrote described a gradual improvement in my locomotive weathering abilities. This post is in a similar vein, hopefully taking further steps to a more realistic weathered finish.
The end of the 33 after weathering
The next class 33 I do is going to have DCC sound fitted, so this has been a test bed for a more elaborate upcoming project. A little bit of cosmetic surgery was undertaken on the solebars, removing the original cab steps and replacing with the PH designs ones. These footsteps are etched brass and a four stage construction. They are fiddly and mine are not perfect. I glued mine together with superglue, being too much of a chicken to solder them up (I don't consider my soldering skills to be anywhere good enough!!). The end results look pretty good. I superglued the steps to the solebars, primed and weathered. The details were also fitted to the ends of the locomotive and the locomotive was weathered separately to the body and the solebars.
The replacment foot steps, in place prior to gluing
The body has been weathered using multiple vertical passes of frame dirt, sleeper grime, weathered black, track dirt and roof dirt. I reckon over ten coats have been applied. I had varnished the body yesterday, but then found a couple of imperfections on the roof, so this will require some remedial work and another varnishing. The one task still to do is add the glazing masks on the front windscreens and weather these. I very frustrating broke one of the windows when I removed it, so I need to cannibalise this from another of my class 33's. Fingers crossed, I will finish this project tonight/tomorrow night, and then I will put up a post of the finished product.
The finished weathered solebars
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