The new micro layout track plan, now what to call the layout...
Another week and work flies by. This weekend I mainly spent relaxing with my girlfriend. Over the weekend I brought the model rail mag, and found myself drawn to the micro layouts. The ideas festered overnight, and by saturday I decided I was going to build one. I decided on a 5ft running length, a 2ft simple fiddle yard and by saturday afternoon the baseboard was built!!
I am supposedly detailing a class 08 at the moment (this project has been going on for a while now!!) and also an 03 is slowly being weathered. So I decided a wagon repair facility near Barnstaple junction, at the end of the tarka trail would be a good idea and give me somewhere to run these shunters. As it is set in Barny, it can have a little waterfront feature - hopefully something in the vain of Brewhouse Quay, but we shall see if it gets anywhere near that standard.
The photographs show the track plan I have settled on. One of the smaller sidings is going to have a wagon repair works, with a siding to hold wagons and one to split trains that have come in. The headshunt will be part of the fiddle yard for the siding on the right, but I think I can get away with that! Looking foward to getting this up and running, but need some time and money.....
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