The nearly finished PMV, with a few issues to be resolved...
I have made a little progress on my PMV wagon this week, painting the handrails and adding some transfers. Alas, sometime off in the week did not materialise, so I did not quite get around to finishing this project. I got out the CCT I had recently finished to compare it with the PMV. After not having seen the CCT for a while, I was slightly disappointed with its appearance, especially the varnish around the transfers.
The CCT in departmental livery
Both of these wagons are finished in departmental olive green and are intended to convey parts/tools to the wagon repair facility I am about to build as a micro layout! How prototypical this is I do not know, it really is just a little bit of fun!
The PMV also has had a very poor glazing job, with some glue and glaze blobs clearly visible on some scratched windows. In addition, the roof is a smidgen too short one one end, I might be being a little picky, but these little details really make a difference too me. So all in all I am not too happy with how either of these wagons have turned out!
The CCT. I find the transfer/varnish finish less than perfect on this. I intend to gently weather over the top of it.
So to the remedies. The CCT is going to have a light weathering of frame dirt and general dirt around the underframe and lower body, to blend in the varnish finish. The PMV is intended to be finished in a heavily weathered state. So I am going to add a layer of glue and glaze to the windows,before giving the whole wagon a heavy weathering, including windows.
The poor glazing job on the PMV. A good lesson in trying not rush modelling when tired/when you other half is nagging you to do something else!
I hope these improvements will alleviate the little niggles I have with these wagons. We shall see. However, I have to go away with work now for about 10 days, so it will be a while before I can get going on this wagons again. As a consequence my next update will be a couple of weeks away - see you then.