Well time has passed over summer and there has been some episodic modelling. We have been so busy, with work deadlines and trips eating up time, meaning modelling has been very stop start. However, I have managed to progress a few projects in the paintshop. A few months ago I put a post of the GWR Mink and Python wagon after building. These wagons are destined for the engineers stock in the 1970s and are loosely based on prototypes with a hefty degree of modellers licence applied. I have managed to get the basic liveries on these wagons, being rather faded, but clean(ish) olive green and these now require a little more detailed weathering, alongside transfers. However, it is nice to see some progress.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Some more wagon progress - GWR MInk and Python wagons for the engineers train
Mink wagon starting to shape up.
Python truck with faded olive green applied.
I have also started the detailing on the class 45 and 50 body shells alongisde painting these wagons and also have the transfers to apply to the sturgeon wagon, so all in all a little progress. I have also started the construction of a new station for the next layout, although the baseboard remains unbuilt (still!). However, with winter drawing in there will be more time in the evenings to make some headway with these projects. In these strange COVID times it will be nice to hunker down a little in winter and have some modelling time, as well as getting back to updating the blog on a regular basis.